Friday, August 20, 2010

How do I let go of my ex-boyfriend,who is an alcoholic and cocaine user. I only use cocaine when I am with him

The strange thing is that I don't use cocaine any other time except when I am with him. I am always unhappy when I use with him, but I don't know how to tell him that we are toxic for one another. I was suicidal before when we lived together, and now I don't know how to tell him that I don't want to live together again. ItHow do I let go of my ex-boyfriend,who is an alcoholic and cocaine user. I only use cocaine when I am with him
i am going to answer your question with honesty,you may or may not agree with me,but i think you deserve the truth,you are using cocaine only when you are with him,you tried to kill your self that is how unhappy you are,you are suffering from low self esteem,not feeling worthy of anything or anybody,honey you need to pick your self up,get rid of the poison in your life,and move on,think about it,what if you had a child with this jerk,would you allow your child to be in a bad situation,no i don't think you would,you just admitted it in your question,when you said you use only when your with him,you are trying to make him happy,and you are going to kill yourself trying,honey you deserve better then that,you are worth saving,and i am trying to save you,i have seen many women,in the same hell as you,you should have a family member with you,when you tell him you are threw,living this way,or a friend,and you may even need a restraining order,but you need to survive,you need to heal,and you need to be loved,you deserve better then that,you need to heal,you need moral support,and i am offering that to you,if you need to talk you can e mail me at,please get out before you end up dead,i have seen so many women die,you deserve to be happy,leave please tell him it is over,make sure you have someone there when you do it,your worth savingHow do I let go of my ex-boyfriend,who is an alcoholic and cocaine user. I only use cocaine when I am with him
just walk away. at least you are smart enough to know you are not good for one smart enough to walk away.

be honest and tell him you cannot stay in the relationship and why and then just walk away and don't look back.

find someone who is good for you!

be cool...
You need to tell him that you want out of it becasue you cant go on useing drugs. Tell him that you cant be with him becasue when your with him you want to do it.. Or tell him that you just dont want to do it the next time it happends
You are far too precious and have too much to offer the rest of the world, don't be willing to settle for so little when you could have so much more. Run, don't walk, run from the relationship as fast as possible. It can only bring you pain.
You just got to be strong and stand up for yourself and just tell him! You can do it!!

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