I ask a question the other day concerning living with a woman alcoholic. I got 631-repsonses. Unbelievable about what this topic brings out of people. It fascinates me. Taking a woman who is close to rock-bottom and turning her around to a positive lifestyle has to be enthralling. How can I do this?Living with a woman alcoholic is hard. How can I choose to help a woman alcoholic?
Frankly, I am a more than a bit concerned by what you feel you are going to get out of ';saving'; an alcoholic woman. I am as compassionate as the next person, and in fact I am a recovered alcoholic with nearly a decade of contented abstinence, but I wonder what is motivating you here. It really doesn't strike me as healthy.Living with a woman alcoholic is hard. How can I choose to help a woman alcoholic?
Only when she feels she has hit rock bottom can she change. But to help move things along, ask her why she drinks. Offer to go to AA Meetings with her. Keep her busy so she doesn't have time to drink or go places that don't serve booze.
my ex is an alcoholic too whatever i tried to advice whats the best for him or for us doesnt really exist. .
I run away even if I love him but I dont want to live in an odd life, so I dumped him until now hes still an alcoholic. .
AA is a great place to start.. But remember if she dosnet think she has a problem then there is little you can do other than seek outside help from a therapist. Gooduck
You can't do anything. She is the only one with the power to change herself. If she does it ';for you'; or you force her into it, it won't stick. She has to do it for herself.
You can't do anything--that is her choice.
You can make an ultimatum--she gets help or she gets out.
I am dating someone with similar issues--he spreads his vices out (has a lot of them so one doesn't consume all of him). I am walking away as no changes are happening.
You deserve not to have to pick someone out of the gutter--throw your pole back into the water!
It is not an easy task, you can try all you want, but until she is willing to help herself, nothing will work. Get out, while you still can, with your self respect, and your sanity, or she will drag you down to her level..........Good Luck!
good luck. if she does not want to stop drinking there is not much you can do but i admire you for trying
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