I am an alcoholic
I lived on the streets for 4 years
I have no education
I am mentally ill
I pulled myself out a little bit - off the streets and so on but I still go back to drink with bums and buy dope -
I want my life to change - but last time I got drunk I slept with a tranny in an alley way -
I've called in twice this week sick - flu is what I told them I think I will be fine but I needed some time to think and work out my life
I have come a long way but want to go further and don't know howI need help where do I go?
Start with a community outreach center or a free clinic. The people there will offer or point you in the direction of professional help; which is what you need my friend.I need help where do I go?
IF you want to change your life
1. stop drunk
2. find some good friend
first AA or some kind of support group. next time you want to have a drink just keep the vision in your head of sleeping with a tranny in an alley way. i have faith that you can do it.
J, A,
I tried a lot of concepts and philosophies and looked for a way to pull it together. It's good that you want to.
Since I do not take to religion because I don't believe in salvation by a super being, the born again route didn't appeal to me.
As I was getting older, my dependencies just got worse and worse. I finally came on a group that didn't offer me any guarantees, didn't want me to believe anything, didn't have a collection basket, didn't have secret teachings, handshakes or ceremonies.
They told me that this monk in Japan had figured out how life works and how ordinary people can figure it out and get rid of the pains, sorrows, lies and confusions that keep them down.
All I needed to do was try it for a hundred days, and see if I got any results.
My situation was that I couldn't keep a job, was getting more and more uncontrollably angry, and was abrasive to o everybody when I drank beer-too much beer.
I started with the group and within days got a pretty good job and managed to arrange some real money into my life
My anger took effort, but the people that knew me ten years ago, have trouble believing how much wiser I've gotten and how well I form cooperation instead of getting confrontational all the time.
It's open to everybody who wants to try it.
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